Monday 27 June 2011

Operation Bison


UGAF is beginning its new campaign on the 3rd of June. In preperation we have issued the first of many intelligence briefings in the form of news reports. 

TODAY the commander of UN forces in Takistan General Dalibor Jarek announced his task force would be standing down to make way for a new International Security Assistance Force or ISAF spear headed by United Global Armed Force.

This is a direct result of the escalation in violence in the region by a new insurgent group. The group known as Hezbollah-e-Toiba or 'Party of God' have after 2 years of Takistan making a recovery from the third world launched attacks against civilian population centre's publicly and explicitly rejecting any foreign assistance either from the UN or ISAF.

A UN spokes person during a press conference at the UN Headquaters in Geneva have made the following statement:

"The UN mandate in Takistan was to keep the peace and maintain law and order. The forces we have in Takistan are simply not equipped to deal with this new insurgent threat."

The leader of the new ISAF force being deployed to Takistan General Kirk Bower issued the following statement during a pre-deployment briefing at Whitehall, London:

"ISAF's main aim in Takistan is not to conduct an all out war against an illusive and highly fanatical enemy but rather protect the civillian population from them. We of course are going ready for a fight. If the enemy decides to face us we will destroy them with any and all means at our disposal. We are in Takistan to make friends but also show the insurgency that we are not going to roll over and let them take back and rule the country with an iron fist!"

There is also speculation that the increase in violence may have something to do with the arrival of Helmstead Tech Industries (HTI) field division in the area to test new weaponry in partnership with Prometheus & Vanguard International PMC. This adds to the speculation that the company was involved in an incident in Duala, South Africa in which close to half a million men, women and children died in genocide. No evidence was ever found to suggest this rumour was true after a 2 year investigation conducted by the UN. The companies CEO Mattias Helmstead viciously denied all accusations during the proceedings.

ISAF troops consisting of US, German, British & Czech special forces have already landed in Takistan and have setup a Forward Operating Base (FOB) at Feruz Abad. A town that, until recently was firmly in the hands of UN troops but has since been victim to repated attacks by Hezbollah-e-Toiba. ISAF's code name for all operations in Takistan is under Operation Bison.

More news on this as it develops.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Latest News


It's been a while since i've posted up anything with regards to how UGAF is doing. Work and then issues with my computer have been affecting my ability to get news out.

I hope your in the mood for some UGAF TV cause alot has been going on over the last couple of weeks!!

So where to begin....

A few weeks ago Mercury submitted Day 2 for UGAF to play. The mission was for UGAF callsigns to move in to the Iraqi town of Fallujah and carry out raids on several enemy compounds. The aim was to capture HVT's (High Value Targets) and or destroy insurgent ammo dumps.

In typical Mercury fashion we were under supplied and woefully lacking equipment but as the British Army would say we just 'Cracked on'! You can see the footage of that mission HERE. Please note this is of HQ's perspective and I seriously cannot remember us getting in to a contact.

We've also been hard at work preparing for our next campaign. We've been working on getting  a intelligence picture built up for the guys and getting the final tweeks to the mission itself all done and dusted. In conjunction with this we've also been training hard specifically in the field of IED hunting & clearing with...mixed results.
To add to this Bravo, our FSG element have been working on getting proficient at using motars and other support weaponry (.50 Cal MG, GPMG etc) and I must say they are pretty epic with them now.

Charlie Troop, a new callsign in UGAF with the role of liasing with 3Sqn and calling in airsupport have been doing just that and we now have an effective way of calling in CAS besides "SHOOT THE F***ER'S!". Charlie Troop's leading NCO Cpl Grace posted a youtube video

We also had a go at getting drugs off our streets. Dirtdiver our friendly Austrailian/New Zealander (Sorry mate) has been in the process of doing a mini campaign on Icebreakers Lingor Island. I have personally not had the pleasure of playing myself however from what i've heard it was a kick ass mission! UGAF TV caught the entire show HERE.

And last but not least my own little piece of fame. Last year UGAF played my very first mission. Titled 'The Brotherhood'. As a tribute a year on I created another mission called the same thing. We played this on a Sunday night. Our mission was to drive down 'Red Route' on Isla Duala and seek out, then destroy any OPFOR units we came across. The mission started off slow much to the disappointment of Romeo (Formerly Recce). They soon got a sharp kicking. Again we caught the entire thing on UGAF TV HERE

Well thats all for now!



Wednesday 13 April 2011

Operation Desert Fox

Hello Again!

Well what an exciting couple of days UGAF have had!

We've managed to get our dedicated server upgraded by our new providers, Alpha Networks for less than what we were paying for it when we were with Warcore. Great stuff!

On Sunday evening (09/04/2011) UGAF played Operation Desert Fox created by myself. The mission was orginally just a ground operation however with current events in Libya and the no fly zone being enforced I changed it a little.

Our main objectives were to destroy AA positions over looking an airfield in Takistan. Once destroyed we were then to call in Close Air Support by our resident fly boy's Raptor Flight and then assault the airfield. On top of this I added the secondary objective of enforcing a no fly zone around the airfield with enemy jets activly patrolling the skies.

Again, feeding off the inspirational Ross Kemp, Mercury caught some of it on video. He's even added a nice little backing track and some overlayed text to explain whats going on.


Friday 8 April 2011

Operation BayMutnaya


On Thursday 07/04/2011 UGAF deployed on operations in Chernerus. Our objective was to assault its capital Chernergorsk, capture it and hold against a counter strike from highly trained Russian troops.

Ultimatly due to the casualties sustained we classified the mission as a failure however Lcpl Mercury, one of UGAF's Recon operators manage to capture his point of view on video.

First of all his insertion in to the AO, an airstrike on enemy positions then himself and other UGAF elements assaulting the city.

Some really fine work from Mercury directing AG or callsign Raptor 2 on striking enemy positions before UGAF's main force assaults the town.

Hopefully more like this to follow!

Take care,


Wednesday 6 April 2011

Interview with UGAF's Maj G-Man | UGAF News

Hello again!

Well i'm back and finally after a huge amount of nagging and some verbal abuse I have managed to get G-Man, UGAF's founder to answer my Q&A questions! Enjoy!

Q. You are the person who created UGAF. Who has spent hours making the website, its forums and also making sure we have a game server when we need it. What inspired you take on this massive work load?

A.I only really got into online gaming in 2006. I joined a clan that played BF2412, Stevethom was my recruiter. The clan started playing Project Reality and I got pretty hooked and joined a tournament with steve. I was later told by another member to try Armed Assault. At first I really could not get my head around it but after some one to one training from a veteran player I loved it especially with ACE. To be honest I actually started playing with ACE. Myself and stevethom joined an Armed Assault tournament and got quite high up in the ranks and controlled large squads.I then decided I would like to have a go at running my own clan. Then I decided it has to be the best at what it does. That's how I roll.

Q,When you came up with the basic principle of UGAF; What did you want it to be a community or a military realisim unit?

A. I decided I wanted both. A realism unit where I could use both my military and clan background to create an enjoyable yet disciplined community focusing on tactics and teamwork.

Q.Do you still think we meet the basic principles you wanted when you setup UGAF?

A. Yes I do. I always want keep that balance between gameplay and real life.

Q. Communitys and realisim units alike change as they gain more experiance and also take on more members. Compared to how UGAF was say 12 months ago how would you describe it now?

A. Wow the last 6 months has seen a mass influx of recruits and they seem to be coming in weekly. I'd say we have doubled in size in the last year.

Q. Has the change been for the better?

A. I'd say so. We have had our share of incidents and ups and downs. But it always sorts it self out. All it takes is a shovel and some desert.

Q.Can you describe a time when you've been with the community and thought "This was a really good idea G. I'm glad I setup UGAF!"?

A. Everytime we play an organised mission.

G-Man also added something on the end however for the sake of UGAF's image I shall not reveal its contents for fear of a harsh stabbing to the face. Bad publicitiy never goes down well.

So UGAF has been busy over the past month or so. We've taking on some new members and got them intergrated in to our ranks nicely.

We are once again looking at getting a campaign going with UGAF's HQ & Mission Makers working closley developing a plausible plot and determining how long the campaign will be. Stay tuned for more updates on this!

April is a special month. Our members get promoted from being grunts to grunts with privlages. So make sure if you have come in to contact with a UGAF member please get in contact with either there squad leader or HQ and let us know if they have helped you or just generally made UGAF look awesome!

Thats all for this post.

Take care,


Saturday 26 March 2011

Interview with UGAF's Lcpl Wookie

Ok so I thought it was time you got some info on what kind of place UGAF is from our members. Below is a Q&A session I held with Wookie, one of our senior and most respected members. He gives an honest insight in to the life of a UGAF member.

What is your name?

My name is Ian and my general clan/game name is Wookie

What is your role within UGAF?

Hah! Depends. Officially i'm a machine gunner in Bravo 1 (aka FSG) and lead mission maker/beta guy. All missions have to be checked by me to make sure theres no game breakers on mission nights. Unofficially, i'm an annoying git. I'm sure the others will agree.

Do you enjoy it?

Like a rusty spade up the nose. But seriously, yeah. I wouldn't bother if i didn't enjoy it.

Is there any other role that you would like to try out?

I wouldn't mind a mechanized/armoured role as gunner/driver.

What first attracted you to UGAF?

Friendly atmosphere. Was originally in a clan called 3MERC along with a few others currently residing here in UGAF (eh Recon?). We liked our time doing joint op's and it was eventually decided for 3MERC to merge with UGAF. In the end it was less of a merge but more of an absorption. We are UGAF, resistance is futile.

Can you name a time during your stay with UGAF that you have thought "I love this community!"?

Honestly, no. There have been too many to count.

What is the general atmosphere in UGAF? Are its members approachable if you have an issue?

It's usually a pretty good atmosphere though we all do have off days. It gets sorted however then we start pewpew'ing enemies.

What is UGAF in your opinion, like in missions? Are they disciplined or are they really laid back?

Sort of in between now. It used to be more laid back but personally it was too laid back and it was affecting all missions we were doing (usually by dying due to stupid actions) with a healthy dose of Gman twisting our arms and carefully planned training sessions from some of out instructors we've shaped up nicely, yet still have a laugh.

Describe the best experience you have had during your time with UGAF. It can be from a mission, time on the public server or just plain chatting on Teamspeak.

Thats a hard one. The banter on ts3 is always really good (and quite hilarious too), plus we play alot of other games together when we aren't doing arma2 stuff. So basically, the general experience of UGAF is what makes it worth it for me.

If you have donated to help UGAF stay up and running. Do you feel like its worth it?

It's worth it. From donations gathered we have managed to upgrade the dedi server and allow improvements to various other aspects like the forums and ts3. Also props to Gman for making UGAF what it is.

So that was Wookies perspective on things. I'll let you make up your own mind about us from watching 'UGAF TV' or by hanging out with us on teamspeak and on the public server.

Next time we will have either Cpl Goldsabre or the man himself Maj G-Man doing a Q&A session.

Take care,


Thursday 10 March 2011

UGAF's Livestream Channel

Livestream is so...dull! We prefer to call it UGAF TV. Others prefer to call it a bunch of idiots running around shooting s**t.


On this channel you can watch in some amusement the antics some of our members get up to during general gameplay and mission times on Arma II OA. It also plays host to some tutorials for our members, such as configuring and using Yoma's Addon Sync.

Its nothing new in all honesty and it has been around for a while however UGAF highly recommend you watch atleast some of clips to get an idea of what we are all about. Our most recent videos (at the time of this blog entry) are of UGAF training after the christmas holidays and getting back in to the swing of things.

On a not so unrelated subject, UGAF would like to apologize for G-Man's lack of awareness during missions. He gets distracted easily and ends up starting a conversation about total bollocks. We are looking in to ways of dealing with this and would hope you can bear with us until we can remedy the problem.

You can view UGAF TV from HERE or HERE

Take care,
